Made by VagabondZ studio

O co w tym chodzi? 

The Heart of Terg (acronym is thot, lol) is a game in which you can control a character of your own creation to experience adventures with your friends in a world filled with quests, magic, and monsters. The game is set in its own entirely unique universe, featuring never-seen-before locations, races, conflicts, and even wars. As it falls under the Role-Play category, it can be a fantastic way to spend time together with your friends and enchance your creativity.

Więc to coś jak gra komputerowa?

Nie do końca, ale też... tak, i zrozumiesz dlaczego na końcu... The Heart of Terg to stołowa gra fabularna (RPG), w której gracze wcielają się w fikcyjne postacie w fantastycznym świecie. Rozgrywka toczy się w fikcyjnym świecie, a każdy z uczestników musi wyobrazić sobie, co się dzieje podczas wspólnej zabawy. Jeden z graczy (MG, czyli mistrz gry) moderuje grę, przedstawiając wydarzenia, na które pozostali gracze muszą reagować. Można w nią grać równie dobrze na drewnianym stole, jak i na każdym serwerze Discord... A tak przy okazji, jeśli szukasz innych graczy do gry, czemu nie sprawdzisz naszego Discorda? (tylko nie graj tu w D&D).

assume the roles of fictional characters in a fantasy world. The gameplay unfolds in a fictional world, and each of the participants must imagine for themselves what occurs during the collective play. One of the players (GM, stands for game master) moderates the game, presenting events to the other players to which they must react. It’s basically playable as well on a wooden table as on any discord server… BTW, if you’re looking for another players to play with, why won’t you check out discord? (just don’t play dnd here, buy the game pls).

O co w tym chodzi? 

The Heart of Terg (akronim THOT) to gra, w której możesz kontrolować postać stworzoną przez siebie, aby przeżywać przygody z przyjaciółmi w świecie pełnym zadań, magii i potworów. Gra osadzona jest w całkowicie unikalnym uniwersum, zawierającym nigdy wcześniej niewidziane lokacje, rasy, konflikty i wojny. Jako gra z kategorii Role-Play, może być fantastycznym sposobem na spędzanie czasu razem z przyjaciółmi i rozwijanie kreatywności.

Więc to coś jak gra komputerowa?

Not really, but also… yes, and you will know why at the end… The heart of Terg is a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) where players assume the roles of fictional characters in a fantasy world. The gameplay unfolds in a fictional world, and each of the participants must imagine forthemselves what occurs during the collective play. One of the players (GM, stands for game master) moderates the game, presenting events to the other players to which they must react. It’s basically playable as well on a wooden table as on any discord server… BTW, if you’re looking for another players to play with, why won’t you check out discord? (just don’t play dnd here, buy the game pls).

O co w tym chodzi? 

The Heart of Terg
(acronym is thot, lol) is a game in which you can control a character of your own creation to experience adventures with your friends in a world filled with quests, magic, and monsters. The game is set in its own entirely unique universe, featuring never-seen-
before locations, races, conflicts, and even wars. As it falls under the Role-Play category,
it can be a fantastic way to spend time together with your friends and enchance your creativity

Więc to coś jak gra komputerowa?

Not really, but also… yes, and you will know why at the end… The heart of Terg is a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) where players assume the roles of fictional characters in a fantasy world. The gameplay unfolds in a fictional world, and each of the participants must imagine for themselves what occurs during the collective play. One of the players (GM, stands for game master) moderates the game, presenting events to the other players to which they must react. It’s basically playable as well on a wooden table as on any discord server… BTW, if you’re looking for another players to play with, why won’t you check out our discord? (just don’t play dnd here, buy the game pls).

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Jedne z setek grafik znajdujących się w podręczniku

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Jedne z setek grafik znajdujących się w podręczniku

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Jedne z setek grafik znajdujących się w podręczniku

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