
Vartheron is currently one of the most powerful among mages, and thanks to his innovative view of the world, he gave birth to a new kind of magic — The Necromancy. When he lived it was during a time of demonic invasion, and he was one of the mages who created the Shield of Destiny, to prevent demonic forces from further attacks. After the war Vartheron was chosen as an arch mage at the Magic Academy, yet the battles took a toll on him which led him to obsession. After this, he started looking for a new source of power to not let events of the past repeat. Over the course of years he fell into madness and his research took an even more extreme approach. It didn’t take too long before Vartheron discovered how to manipulate the power of death, yet when he shared his research with the rest of the mages, they told him he was mad. This led to commotion between the mages and Varheron decided that he is the only one who could bear the weight of responsibility over the world, and that his research cannot be held down by Academy or Kingdom’s rules. Amongst mages, a fight broke out, provoked by Vartheron. The academy’s masters weren’t able to beat the Necromancer, as they weren’t prepared to defend against his new magic. Some mages, being witness to Vartheron’s power, decided to join him, which led to them taking over the Academy’s Tower, and the fight moved over to the city’s streets. To help the Academy, Royal Legions joined the fight, but before they managed to force their way into the tower, Vartheron along with a few of his loyal mages already left the Magic Academy, and fled using teleportation stones. He was hunted for the next few years, alas to no avail. The necromancer was cunning and always managed to be one step ahead, and every time they found his new place of hiding he already managed to change his location. After 12 years, Vartheron came back with an army of undead to do his bidding, and with their help almost managed to take the entire Tirganoth, which he wanted to unite under his rule. The march of his army was stopped by King Anavron I Sunborn, by decapitating him in combat at Mersgard’s Sun plaza. His head was put in the deep parts of mountains citadel where Shield’s of Destiny templars were supposed to stand guard. Over the ages people thought that the threat had subsided, but after 500 years the head of the great necromancer disappeared without a trace from under the templar's watchful eyes, and all over the world gossip about Vartheron’s return started appearing. The truth is that during his imprisonment, Vartheron still manipulated world events from behind the grave, maintaining contact with his loyal servants using magic. Loyal to him, necromancers managed to damage the Shield of Destiny, which allowed demons to once again appear in the mortal world, using them as a diversion he continued the plans he formed over the course of the last 1000 years. Vartherons cunning led him to finally return to the world of the living. This resulted in the creation of the Deathly Vail, a land placed in Northern Kingdoms, where the border between the land of the living and the ones who died have been shattered. It is there where Vartheron got back his body made of flesh and bones, moreover he managed to steal goddess Vesha’s secrets and the Touch of Death — underworld’s gatekeeper sword.


Tromos is a disciplined and well collected man, who back in the day proved himself with courage and the ability to lead during defense of Dervtrol from undead armies. He was a Shield of Destiny templar back then, and the situation looked dire. Every hour, terrain was lost and undead flooded the city. When the general of the defense as well as Tromoses commander were assassinated by the necromancers' assassin, it was young Tromos who took lead over the remaining templar forces in the city. He mobilized the rest of the templars and managed to fall back to the city’s main citadel, in which civilians were hidden. Thanks to his quick thinking, they managed to hold off the undead until reinforcements came to the rescue. From this point on, he was called the Southern Lion, and was assigned the role of the order’s arbiter. Tromos took on the Solar Ritual, which granted him enormous strength and prolonged life, during this process his eyes and hair changed their color to golden. Throughout his next years, Tromos managed to accumulate many achievements, and was chosen as the new Lord-Arbiter, the Order of the Shield of Destiny leader. Today he is one of the most important figures in Tirganoth, and keeps the Kingdom safe. At his service he has an army of templars and Golden Disk agents which are the monastery’s eyes and ears throughout the whole world


Arkhen is a mysterious figure, he doesn’t like to intervene in political matters of the world. He came from a fallen kingdom, Eternal Triumvirate, where he was a king’s advisor and a leader to the Order of the Ebony Eye. His most essential task was keeping watch over the enormous library, where the darkest secrets and knowledge known to the world were kept. When the demons attacked for the first time, they made considerable efforts to get into the library, but Arkhen did not allow the knowledge he guards to fall into the hands of Abaddon. When demons besieged the city of Xel’ Kaldash, where the library resided, Arkhen decided to move it into the Boundlessness, a plane between the worlds, where the library could remain hidden. Residing in the Boundlessness, the library along with Arkhen’s body and his many disciples, started connecting with the world in-between, which helped them with gathering knowledge from other worlds. Arkhen came back at the end of the second era, the connection that he made with Boundlessness made him and mages from there, exist in both dimensions, almost like a mirror image, granting them a sort of immortality. The price for this was that their bodies slowly decayed if they were not at the library's or Boundlessness terrain. Unfortunately, Arkhen didn’t have the time to take it easy after coming back. Because not long after his return a gossip started spreading around the world that the lost library returned. To the fallen empire's ruins a phantom of powerful Vartheron came, along with his armies of undead, looking for a way to return to life. Battles that followed were called the Sand War. Vartheron in his phantom form was considerably weaker. By holding his projection in the land of the living, he didn’t stand a chance against Arkhen, which during the last battle sent Vartheron’s soul back to the afterlife. Now Arkhen watches over who has access to the library and occasionally helps people who will help keep the library safe. Some people started to hope that Arkhen will rebuild the Eternal Triumvirate, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in rebuilding nor ruling the Imperium.




Vartheron is currently one of the most powerful among mages, and thanks to his innovative view of the world, he gave birth to a new kind of magic — The Necromancy. When he “lived” it was during a time of demonic invasion, and he was one of the mages who created the Shield of Destiny, to prevent demonic forces from further attacks. After the war Vartheron was chosen as an arch mage at the Magic Academy, yet the battles took a toll on him which led him to obsession. After this, he started looking for a new source of power to not let events of the past repeat. Over the course of years he fell into madness and his research took an even more extreme approach. It didn’t take too long before Vartheron discovered how to manipulate the power of death, yet when he shared his research with the rest of the mages, they told him he was mad. This led to commotion between the mages and Varheron decided that he is the only one who could bear the weight of responsibility over the world, and that his research cannot be held down by Academy or Kingdom’s rules. Amongst mages, a fight broke out, provoked by Vartheron. The academy’s masters weren’t able to beat the Necromancer, as they weren’t prepared to defend against his new magic. Some mages, being witness to Vartheron’s power, decided to join him, which led to them taking over the Academy’s Tower, and the fight moved over to the city’s streets. To help the Academy, Royal Legions joined the fight, but before they managed to force their way into the tower, Vartheron along with a few of his loyal mages already left the Magic Academy, and fled using teleportation stones. He was hunted for the next few years, alas to no avail. The necromancer was cunning and always managed to be one step ahead, and every time they found his new place of hiding he already managed to change his location. After 12 years, Vartheron came back with an army of undead to do his bidding, and with their help almost managed to take the entire Tirganoth, which he wanted to unite under his rule. The march of his army was stopped by King Anavron I Sunborn, by decapitating him in combat at Mersgard’s Sun plaza. His head was put in the deep parts of mountains citadel where Shield’s of Destiny templars were supposed to stand guard. Over the ages people thought that the threat had subsided, but after 500 years the head of the great necromancer disappeared without a trace from under the templar’s watchful eyes, and all over the world gossip about Vartheron’s return started appearing. The truth is that during his imprisonment, Vartheron still manipulated world events from behind the grave, maintaining contact with his loyal servants using magic. Loyal to him, necromancers managed to damage the Shield of Destiny, which allowed demons to once again appear in the mortal world, using them as a diversion he continued the plans he formed over the course of the last 1000 years. Vartherons cunning led him to finally return to the world of the living. This resulted in the creation of the Deathly Vail, a land placed in Northern Kingdoms, where the border between the land of the living and the ones who died have been shattered. It is there where Vartheron got back his body made of flesh and bones, moreover he managed to steal goddess Vesha’s secrets and the Touch of Death — underworld’s gatekeeper sword.
Tromos is a disciplined and well collected man, who back in the day proved himself with courage and the ability to lead during defense of Dervtrol from undead armies. He was a Shield of Destiny templar back then, and the situation looked dire. Every hour, terrain was lost and undead flooded the city. When the general of the defense as well as Tromoses commander were assassinated by the necromancers’ assassin, it was young Tromos who took lead over the remaining templar forces in the city. He mobilized the rest of the templars and managed to fall back to the city’s main citadel, in which civilians were hidden. Thanks to his quick thinking, they managed to hold off the undead until reinforcements came to the rescue. From this point on, he was called the Southern Lion, and was assigned the role of the order’s arbiter. Tromos took on the Solar Ritual, which granted him enormous strength and prolonged life, during this process his eyes and hair changed their color to golden. Throughout his next years, Tromos managed to accumulate many achievements, and was chosen as the new Lord-Arbiter, the Order of the Shield of Destiny leader. Today he is one of the most important figures in Tirganoth, and keeps the Kingdom safe. At his service he has an army of templars and Golden Disk agents which are the monastery’s eyes and ears throughout the whole world
Arkhen is a mysterious figure, he doesn’t like to intervene in political matters of the world. He came from a fallen kingdom, Eternal Triumvirate, where he was a king’s advisor and a leader to the Order of the Ebony Eye. His most essential task was keeping watch over the enormous library, where the darkest secrets and knowledge known to the world were kept. When the demons attacked for the first time, they made considerable efforts to get into the library, but Arkhen did not allow the knowledge he guards to fall into the hands of Abaddon. When demons besieged the city of Xel’ Kaldash, where the library resided, Arkhen decided to move it into the Boundlessness, a plane between the worlds, where the library could remain hidden. Residing in the Boundlessness, the library along with Arkhen’s body and his many disciples, started connecting with the world in-between, which helped them with gathering knowledge from other worlds. Arkhen came back at the end of the second era, the connection that he made with Boundlessness made him and mages from there, exist in both dimensions, almost like a mirror image, granting them a sort of immortality. The price for this was that their bodies slowly decayed if they were not at the library’s or Boundlessness terrain. Unfortunately, Arkhen didn’t have the time to take it easy after coming back. Because not long after his return a gossip started spreading around the world that the lost library returned. To the fallen empire’s ruins a phantom of powerful Vartheron came, along with his armies of undead, looking for a way to return to life. Battles that followed were called the Sand War. Vartheron in his phantom form was considerably weaker. By holding his projection in the land of the living, he didn’t stand a chance against Arkhen, which during the last battle sent Vartheron’s soul back to the afterlife. Now Arkhen watches over who has access to the library and occasionally helps people who will help keep the library safe. Some people started to hope that Arkhen will rebuild the Eternal Triumvirate, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in rebuilding nor ruling the Imperium.